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What are the prospects of PhD in Management from IIM-A?

Being a PhD in management from IIMB, I can tell you that if this question is arising in your mind, PhD is not for you. The nature of two programs is significantly different with different goals and different prospects for the future. PhD in management should only be pursued or considered if you are interested in research and teaching activities (aka knowledge creation and dissemination). Money will not be as good (compared to industry). Biggest myth: professors life is so easy. On the contrary, work is much harder than industry counterparts on research front (one literally competes with the best minds from around the world such as Harvard, Stanford, INSEAD professors to get published in the best journals in management). Producing novel contributions to knowledge is extremely competitive and difficult as in all R&D fields. On teaching front, you will be competing with faculty colleagues and colleagues from other business schools, this is far easier to manage, in my opinion. Research component of a professors job is far more difficult. Then there are other things one does. Meetings with administration, faculty councils. Endless meetings with students, alums and others, including free counseling that one gives, which literally does not pay off but one does it as we consider it a part of our job. BUT PhD allows you highest independence in pursuing your interests (you can literally study what you want!) and flexibility to work on your own time (except for teaching and class times). For example: I used to jog at 10am in the morning much to the envy of my industry friends and students. I also used to pursue wacky research questions (I literally got to read hundreds of comic books to collect data for research).

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